5 Day Heavy Duty Fishing Course PDF

TTC offer a course in Wireline fishing techniques, which present the range of fishing equipment available and its scope and limitations of use. Various scenarios are discussed, based on actual fishing operations, and class exercises are conducted to reinforce learning. Where onsite access is available practical fishing jobs are set up and conducted, such as at the Vause Training Centre in New Zealand.

Course Description

This course is designed for personnel with prior wireline or well service experience who will be planning, supervising or carrying out fishing operations.

The range of equipment available for fishing, its design, function and limitations will be discussed in the classroom.

Subject to availability : Stripping and redressing of these tools will be carried out in a workshop, followed by surface operation of the tools.

Demonstrations of tool operation will be conducted if facilities permit set up of practical operation of the tools.

Each participant gets an opportunity to be the “lead operator” and plan an operation, conduct toolbox talk and make decisions during their “tenure” in charge.