Chris, Alaska

I have to say that is the best looking and best put together training manual I have ever seen! Plus that smaller size is also super nice. Wish I had this version when I was on a unit! Slickline operators these days have it so much better.

Greg Watt

A well-run course giving and excellent overview of the whole well cycle. Bob was an awesome presenter with a very vast knowledge of the well drilling industry.

Mark Elrick

I have never worked in the well entry side before, so this has helped me get a better understanding. Cheers Bob

Ben Souness

Great course. It filled a lot of knowledge gaps I had about drilling and downhole.

Andrew Fake

Excellent. Filled in a lot of gaps so I now have a full understanding of drilling & well services. Thanks Bob. A very enjoyable and well-presented course.


I have had exposure to this part of the business, but without any explanation so have had to figure out what I could on my own! This has filled in so many gaps so has been a valuable course for me.


Great Overview of the industry. In particular, well completion and well servicing were very beneficial


Instructor had huge amount of knowledge and was happy to help people understand aspects of the course and a good sense of humour. Thank you.


I now have a clearer and more advanced knowledge of how a well is developed and operated. Also the different types of workover units.

Nick Simms

Reinforced understanding of slickline tools, options and how they work and when they should be used. Video aids and instructor knowledge were very great.

Grace Loi

From knowing nothing about wireline, I have learned a lot and know a lot more about wireline how it work, different types etc. This knowledge will be useful for me for my future work in drilling & completion team. Thanks Bob.

Manan Rafiq

I didn’t understand the basics of slickline before the course. Really appreciate the time and patience Bob showed while teaching the material. 10/10 would recommend to others to attend.

Lachlan McKay

I really enjoyed listening/watching the details of each slickline tool and discussing when to use them & limitations. A rare .opportunity to learn this detail.


Great explanations on slickline tools & overall well completions. Allows for me to better understand a well when planning slickline operations.


I work on an intervention vessel. It was very helpful to learn with more detail about SLK/DSL/WL

This course is one of the best I have ever had. The media is very well done and helps us to better understand the tools. Bob has huge experience and he transmits the information as good as it can be. I am very satisfied with the knowledge that I got.

Ludmyla Barbosa

It gave me overall knowledge about the subject. What will help ne understand better the rig daily operations w/slickline. Also, I learned about useful tools for fishing, which will be beneficial for me to participate in discussions to deal with CP & DHSV fishing. Common operations in well decommissioning.

Giovani France

It help me to better understand slickline tools to support me with my job. Excellent teacher and training


I had some basic understanding of SL operations but after this course I now have a better understanding of the tools, available, their use and operations that can be done.

Highly experienced instructor, lots of pictures, schematics and videos to help understanding the concepts. Highly recommend this training. I have learnt a lot.

Donald Akpo

Very interesting to learn more about slickline ops as I work as a supervisor from the client’s side. This will help me to understand better the operations and improve them because I understand better and I can propose new solutions and be more active in the discussions regard the job

Very good teacher, very good communication, very good examples, videos. Really appreciate that.


Helped me to get exposed on newer tools/technologies that I was not aware. Presented more tools and ideas that can be used in the operations that I plan and report. Discussed ideas and challenges we have been facing.


A good explanation of tools/jobs I have seen many times bit not fully understood. Very happy to spend the week learning.

Thanks Bob you legend. Everyone talks about the high level of training you provide. Can confirm they are right. Cheers


Much better understanding of slickline/tools/well pressures/ well makeup/tubing makeup Really enjoyable. Bob is an excellent trainer with so much knowledge and experience to make it interesting. Always receptive to questions. Fun practical – tools and operating the unit.


It was very helpful to actually see what we hear about in the office & learn about its intricacies. The practical aspects were very helpful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I enjoyed the class participation & how you made is as relevant as possible.


This course has decoded many of the slickline tools and their operations. It will be extremely useful to me as I move into my new role as a DSV/WES


It was good to be able to understand what actually goes on downhole as well as how the different tools work. It also helped shed light to any limitations of slickline.

Course was very well run and it felt easy to follow, especially after the practical.


This has been an excellent course. Very grateful for an opportunity like this. Thanks Bob


I understand the slickline a lot better. Also picked up a lot of info that benefits E-Line. All makes more sense to me now.


Allowed a greater understanding of the “other” thigs I needed to think about when conducting wireline.


Increased knowledge of fishing operations. Short video presentations of cut-away tools and nipples very well done.


Course allowed me to better understand the running tools, especially locks & plugs. Also good explanations of how accelerators and jars work.

I recommend for future classes to have a test well (like the one in NZ – inaccessible during covid). I enjoyed the course and rate it as one of the better courses that I have attended. Great manuals with helpful information, procedures and drawings.


Great breakdown of each tool and its recommended use.

Good overall explanation of all slickline operations from start to finish.


Broadened knowledge of tools & uses

Very helpful instructors. May have melted my brain though!


Great clarification of how things work in the industry. Good visuals that showed me what thongs look like downhole.

Great course content, good communication of information.


Clear explanation of how tools function as well as specific uses.


This course has given me a solid foundation to build on once I begin in field operations.