5 Day Well Services Operations PDF

12 Day Well Services Operations PDF

15 Day Well Services Operations PDF

A 15 day Well Services course is available covering drilling operations, the range of well completion design options, and well intervention methods available. When conducted at the Vause Training Centre in Z this course includes rig site visits, slickline and logging site visits and Coiled Tubing site visits – subject to ongoing operations and access.

5 Days Course description

Starting with basic completion design and an explanation of the components installed in a well, this course goes thru the range of operations associated with well services.

12 Days Course description

Starting with basic completion design and an explanation of the components installed in a well, this course goes thru the range of operations associated with well services.

Participants learn classroom theory, with workshop exposure to actual tools. This is followed by demonstrations of cutaway tools before planning and executing slickline operations within a 1000 ft training well.The use of pressure and flow can be used to create realistic, but safe conditions.

VTC’s location in close proximity to the oilfields of Taranaki, along with the support of the local operating companies permits site visits to view drilling and wireline activities, subject to current activity.

15 Days Course description

Starting with basic completion design and an explanation of the components installed in a well, this course goes thru the range of operations associated with well services.

Participants learn classroom theory, with workshop exposure to actual tools. This is followed by demonstrations of cutaway tools before planning and executing slickline operations within a 1000 ft training well.The use of pressure and flow can be used to create realistic, but safe conditions.

VTC’s location in close proximity to the oilfields of Taranaki, along with the support of the local operating companies permits site visits to view drilling and wireline activities, subject to current activity.